Weekend Recap

Happy Monday! I hope you all had an excellent weekend. I sure did!

Saturday was spent cleaning our apartment, shopping, swimming and meeting up with one of Matt's old friends that now lives in Arizona. We even made it to the gym. For date night we went to restaurant called "The Blue Lemon." It is a clean eating restaurant and the food was so good! It isn't often that my plate looks exactly like the picture of the food but check this out:

That is a grilled chicken breast topped with tomatoes and artichokes on a bed of caramelized onions, mashed potatoes and roasted red pepper sauce. YUM! We'll definitely be going there again.

After dinner we went for a drive up the Alpine loop and dropped down into Sundance. The drive was beautiful. I really need to spend more time enjoying the beautiful area I live in.

Sunday was spent relaxing and grilling. We even tried grilling Bok Choy. I cut head in half, brushed it with olive oil and garlic and tossed it on the grill for just a few minutes. It was pretty good. It tastes like cabbage but a little bit more peppery. We'll be making more of it for sure.

Sunday ended with a long walk with Matthew and Charlie. There was an amazing sunset because of storms in the next valley. What a perfect way to end a weekend.


I've got plans for this next week. I'm going to kick it up a notch. This week I will not go over my 1300 calorie a day limit and I'm going to do at least 5 sessions of cardio for 45 minutes or longer.

What are your goals for this week?


Happy Fun Pants said…
Those are some great goals!

I'm not quite sure what is going on with me respiratory wise (kind of struggling right now), but assuming that gets under control, I want to run at least 2 times and do DDR (I know, I'm a dork!) at least 2 times. I'm also recommiting myself to listening to my body and trusting myself to eat when I'm hungry - and not eat when I'm not.

Also, thank you SO much for your wise words on my blog. I really appreciate it and it's EXACTLY how I feel - so I can't thank you enough!
Kendra said…
This week my major goals is just to get back into the habit of the gym. I'm totally missing it since starting longer hours at work.
Lara Lee said…
this weeks goal is to go to the gym Every day this week! I'm starting to feel like I'm not supposed to lose weight...frustration is setting in. Oh well Still no soda for me!
River said…
Your weekend sounds lovely I wanted to be there with you especially at the restaurant :P

My goal is simply to get back on the right mind set and that famous "track". If I can limit my calories to 1500 I will feel like a champion :)
Unknown said…
There are some amazing roads in Utah. Chelsea and I have been bike riding a lot lately, if you and Matt want to go on a ride sometime we'd love to go with you guys. Provo canyon trail is beautiful right now, and Nebo loop is also a fun drive.
That food looked great! where is that place?
Your doing great, so proud of you!
Skye-Lynn said…
Wow, that meal sure looks delicious! I wish we had some "clean eating" restaurants around here. Unfortunately, I don't think that's an option here in south Louisiana. The main goal here is to see what new food they can deep fry! lol And I wonder why have a weight problem! Sheesh! lol

I love the idea of you and your husband having a "date night"! Not to be too nosy, but do y'all do that often? Y'all sure do live in a beautiful place! Love the pic!

Glad to hear y'all liked the bok choy! It sounds like something my daughter would love! I'm going to have to see if they have it at our local grocery.

You have some awesome goals for this week! Best of luck to you!

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