Hurts So Good!

Yesterday was my first workout with my new kettlebell. I decided to add this workout in instead or replacing my cardio workout. I did the video before work and didn't have a problem following along with the routine at all. It was actually kinda fun and I didn't feel bored at all. At the end of the video I was a little disappointed because I didn't feel the burn as much as I expected to.

I finished my day with 45 minutes on the elliptical and then went to bed expecting to do the next video in the morning. OH MY GOODNESS! When I woke up this morning I could hardly move. I am so remarkably sore. I can't say I'm much of a fan of being constantly uncomfortable but there is something about being sore that gives me a great sense of satisfaction. I know that I made a difference in my body and this means that I worked hard.

I didn't do the routine this morning because I want to give my muscles a little time to repair themselves. I did do 30 minutes on the elliptical tonight to get my heart rate up but my legs were so over it way before the 30 minute mark so I decided it would be plenty for one day. As for the video, I think it is a definitely a keeper!

Do you love or hate the feeling of being sore?


Mad Woman said…
I'm kind of like you. On the one hand I hate the feeling of being sore but it really does give me an amazing sense of accomplishment.

I've never seen a kettle bell. I'll have to have a look for them.
MizFit said…
I love it---and my kettlebell kicks my..glutes like no other.

now I just need to remember to motivate to use it more :)
Kimmi said…
I like the sore feeling, it means that I'm doing what I'm supposed to...but when I work my arms I'm always a little worried that I won't be able to write the next day! It's happened before!
divad said…
That's a nice kind of pain! Way to go. I have been considering purchasing kettle bells as well.
Lara Lee said…
I love the feeling of being sore and I love grunting when i move cause then i can be all...I worked out. haha
I need to try this workout i think. It seems like it would be fun. where did you buy it and did the video come with or is that more money?
Skye-Lynn said…
Way to go SherRon! I have had my eye on the kettlebells for a while now, but I was nervous to try them.

As far as feeling the burn, lol, it's a love/hate relationship with me. I love feeling it because, like you, I know I'm doing something effective, but then I hate being in pain! lol
Unknown said…
I wanted to let you know how much you're inspiring me to exercise more. I gave you an award over at my blog!

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