60 Calories

Things that you can eat for 60 calories:

1 cup of watermelon:

1 cup of grapes:

3 Triscuit Crackers

Half of an English Muffin

1 cup of broccoli

9 Almonds

3 cups of Celery

2 Hershey's Kisses

or my personal favorite....one of these!

Jell-o Mousse temptations ROCK MY WORLD! You should definitely try them out!


divad said…
I'm hoping to try one of those!!! I hope we have them in Canada. If not, cross border shopping it is.
Skye-Lynn said…
Oooh! I love the mousse temptations, too! They are perfect when you're craving something chocolaty! But if I had to choose one thing from your list right now, I would have to pick the watermelon! Yum-O! Now, that is something that I could eat all day long! Thank goodness it's pretty healthy! lol
Celeste said…
That watermelon looks mighty tasty!!!
erica said…
Love it!!! I have never tried a Mousse Temptation because I never heard any one talk about them. Since they rock your world I may have to try them out!

Kim said…
YES! just discovered those last week - now a daily part of my diet. sometimes two. :)

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