Timpanogos Cave

Hey Everyone! I hope you have had an excellent weekend. This weekend I decided to follow my own advice and use my body to do something active. I often take for granted how beautiful the area I live in is so Matthew and I decided to head up the canyon that is only about 10 minutes from our house to hike to Timpanogos Cave. I've never been on the hike before but I've heard the caves were amazing and the hike was steep. They certainly weren't lying about how steep it was. Oh my goodness there were several times I regretted attempting to hike but I knew I could make it to the top so I just kept on going.

Once we got to the top we were able to catch the next tour into the caves. The cold air of the cave was very welcomed after the hike to the top and the formations were beautiful. It was definitely worth the hike up (although, if you would have asked me that on the way up...I probably would have disagreed.)

I feel so accomplished. Its not that the hike was all that hard. It was only 3.5 miles. But compared to last year, I never would have even attempted it. I'm proud that I'm making choices to be more active and to try things I wouldn't before. Its great when I can see my waistline shrinking and my character growing :)

As a reminder of what I've done, and what I want to continue to do, I bought myself a ribbon.

The ribbon says : "I survived the climb. Timpanogos Cave National Monument Utah" This ribbon is going straight up on my fridge...even if it is a little lame.

The rest of my weekend went really well. We picked up another bountiful basket so we are set for the week on produce and the scale on Saturday morning gave me a 4 lb loss. Woot woot!

PS...I got my 70 lb pair of shoes....more on that to come!


Lindsay said…
so fun!!! I need to go do Timp again, way fun. Congrats on the weight loss awesome :)
Kendra said…
What a genius idea, the ribbon. Why shouldn't we do things like that to congratulate ourselves for our achievements? I love it.
Just Jay said…
Wow, great pictures! Can't wait to see the shoes!
Just Jay said…
Wow, great pictures! Can't wait to see the shoes!
Foxy said…
aww congrats on the climb! x

Unknown said…
I did that hike when I was younger and I remember it was hard. Good job and nice pic's!
Skye-Lynn said…
What beautiful pics! You are truly blessed to live so close to something so beautiful!

And I don't think your ribbon is lame one bit! I think it's an awesome reminder of how much you have accomplished! You deserve to be proud! ( :

Congratulations on another awesome loss and another pair of shoes! Girl, you are unstoppable! And such an inspiration! Thanks!
Laurie said…
There is absolutely no shame in putting up that ribbon! You should see the stuff on my fridge. ;-) Way to go! That looks like an amazing hike!

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