I'll decide

Thank you for all of your support during that rough patch there! I'm slowly but surely crawling my way back into having a positive attitude about myself and my journey. While the past few days certainly have not been my best, I have learned a very important lesson, and I think it was all worth it.

Even on my bad days, I could control myself. I was mad at the world. I was mad at myself. I was stressed out at work and had some other personal things going on. But I stayed within my calories and I worked out (well, I worked out on Monday but c'mon....). I still made choices that I didn't think I could.

My emotions do not always control my actions!

My emotions usually play a huge roll in what I do. I consider myself to be a very emotional person. Usually feelings are the biggest motivators for me. But this time I knew better. Yes, I was feeling bad, but did I want to throw off my progress and set myself back? Heck no!

Months ago I never would have been able to stay on track. My husband and I would often joke after one of us had a bad day "Wanna go eat some emotions?" It was my excuse to behave badly. I could have ice cream, I'd had a bad day. I got in a fight with someone I love so I'm going to eat Chinese food until I'm sick. WTFreak!? Since when does having a bad day equal ice cream!?

Its nice to know that I've established healthy habits. I know that I need to work out and I know that eating food that is bad for me, won't make me feel any better.

I feel empowered with this knowledge.
I decide what I eat and what I do.
I'm in control!


Lara Lee said…
very inspiring! Love it! I really need to practice this religiously.
Anonymous said…
Isn't that something when a breakthrough like this happens? I have a friend who used to have to say to me all the time "you can't just wait to BE happy, you have to CHOOSE it."

He was right.

Waiting for things to happen, waiting for things to change, well, that's all just a big excuse to be complacent. We have to CHOOSE it. To DO it. And you DID it. Yay you!
Foxy said…
That's the way to do it! x

erica said…
Youre such an inspiration!

CJ said…
I know what you mean - I'm the worst emotional eater on the planet. I'll eat for ANY emotion, whether good or bad. Good on you for recognizing your eating habits!
Skye-Lynn said…
And this is what I strive for every single day! Thank you for showing me it's possible! ( :

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