The Saga of the Specktacles...and other tales

I promised you a weigh in on Saturday and I failed to deliver. I apologize blog world. After sweating away all week and watching what I ate, my scale rewarded me with a .7 lb loss. Woot, it wasn't a gain. I wasn't expecting a loss this week and if you are female and can recognize simple patterns on my week by week loss chart....I'm pretty sure you can figure out why :)

Friday was a hectic evening...and not the one that I had planned. Matthew and I had originally made plans to visit his Grandma for her birthday and go to dinner with Dustin and Mariah.

However, my eye was still killing me and I was dead tired from not getting any sleep the night before. Luckily, my boss, bless his heart, could see my pain and let me go home early. I came home and took a nap and woke up with my eye hurting even worse than it was before. I called my optometrist and made another appointment. Unfortunately while I was on the phone with him, Charlie (my monster of a beagle) took my glasses off of my night stand and completely destroyed them within a matter of moments. I'm talking unwearable.

Matthew drove me to meet my doctor who upon inspection of my eye prescribed me with a stronger medicine and gave me a few (life-saving) numbing drops. After that the search was on to find a place that made 1 hour glasses at 6 pm on a Friday night. The first few places we went could make glasses in an hour, but didn't have lenses strong enough for my prescription. Eventually we found a place that could do it and I picked out some new eye wear.

1 hour and some fajitas later, I could see again. Thank goodness for new technology. I can't wear my contacts for 2 more weeks so I guess I'll get used to them. I'm also quite impressed with my ability to pick out cute glasses while nearly blind. :)

Saturday we headed out of town to visit my parents. Today is my moms 50th birthday!

Happy Birthday Mom!

( This is my mom exactly as she'd like to be seen to the world. She is a wonderful lady that often dresses up and reads stories to children at local schools, libraries, and day cares. This year she will be graduating with her teaching degree. Go Mom!)

The visit was great and included a lot of good healthy choices and a few not so healthy ones...see photo of cheesecake brownie below.

Note: My brownie wasn't this big...but I certainly wouldn't call it small either. I stand firm in my belief that the first piece of birthday cake you eat is calorie free as long as you eat it with the birthday person. If you go back for a second piece though....double the calories.

While I was visiting my family I didn't have access to a gym so instead I went on a walk with my sister. (Who also has lost about 37 lbs this year. I'm surrounded by inspirational women!)

It was great to spend time with my family but making good food choices when I'm home is hard. I let my guard down. I just want to relax and not care. I'm back home now and back on track for the day. I've already clocked an hour on the elliptical.

Do you have a harder time eating well when you're around your family? What do you do to stay on track?


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