Pump up Jam

You know when you're working out and you really just feel like you should quit? You're tired and sweaty and you've already put in a good 35 min but you told yourself you were going to do 45?....yeah, that time.

What song comes on your iPod to get you through it?

Here are a few of mine:

Gotta get Through This by Daniel Bedingfield

Imma Be by BEP (if you don't know what BEP is by now....turn on a radio)

Just Dance by Lady Gaga

What is your pump up jam? What song do you run extra fast to?

Also....guess what is on its way to my house!


Lara Lee said…
bulletproof by La Roux
Fun house and so what by Pink
hot and cold by Katy Perry.....
Interesting they are all like...anti man songs. hmmmmmm
Lindsay said…
Awesome!!! I am going to add those to my play list!
Tricia said…
thanks for sharing!
I love Daniel Bedingfield! Black Eyed Peas "Tonight's gonna Be a Good Night" is awesome for getting my blood pumping.
M said…
I love:

Shout to the Lord-The American Idol version
Show Me What Im Looking For-?
Anything instrumental.
All the right moves-One Republic
Cowboy Casanova-Carrie Underwood
Kimmi said…
My go to get through the workout ones are:

Harder,Better,Faster,Stronger-Daft Punk
Remember the Name- Fort Minor
River said…
Catch You - Sophie Ellis Bextor
that song probably could get me through child birth :p

One More Time - Daft Punk
Call on Me - Eric Prydz
divad said…
Even though music is my profession, I hate running to it! Isn't that weird. I think it's because I just don't listen, I analyze etc.

Thanks for all of your comments on my blog. I left you an award on mine tonight!
Kendra said…
Dancing with Myself - Billy Idol
Show me your Teeth - Lady Gaga

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