CSN Winner and The Fair

If you knew how I'd been eating this past week, it would come to no surprise to you that I gained on the scale again. My Saturday morning weigh-ins have become things I dread now when they used to be one of the highlights of my week. I felt like all of my efforts were validated and that I was headed in the right direction.

Now it seems like I'm getting a test back that I know I didn't study for. I'm not really sure why I'm off my groove most days of the week. I can understand allowing myself special occasion food, but I'm having a hard time deciding what counts as a special occasion.

I remember when I first started my diet I had to come to terms with not always eating what I wanted, whenever I wanted it. I had to understand that just because something sounded good, didn't mean that I should eat it. I'm finding myself falling back into that hole more and more lately and I need to find a way to reel myself back in.

Speaking of special occasion food, this last weekend Matt and I went to the state fair.

Matt and I shared a deep-fried PB&J

I had some cinnamon roasted almonds.

And we shared some funnel cake with some friends.
I probably should have been a little quicker with the camera on this one.

It was a great time and I don't regret anything I ate there. I do regret the large dinner I had after the fair. I also regret the large chicken wrap from a drive-in I had on Saturday.

Anyway...enough about me. Let's give this gift card away!

And the lucky winner is....

Leane from Leanne Lately

Send me your email address and I'll get you the gift card.

Thanks everyone for entering!


Lara said…
OH Hone, you are still doing an amazing job. You will get back to it! remember the dress you showed me? You will fit it! i know you will :D You have an inner strength i admire, and It will start kicking your butt again!!!! You will be good :D
Leanne said…
I never win anything!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Kendra said…
It is so hard to get back on track sometimes, especially when you just aren't feeling it.

I'd suggest trying a new workout of some sort. Whenever I start some new routine or discover a new strength training routine I get fired up about healthy eating again as well.
Christina said…
Hey I nominated you for a blog award check it out at http://gettingnshape.blogspot.com/

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